Monday, 4 February 2013

Two Sides.

I must be very bored that I write two blog posts today (on blogspot and ameblo). Well, I am. Or not. It's been a very unproductive day, which I do not regret. The day that I've been longing for so long~

Tidak terasa only one week's left until my 4th semester. Antara tidak sabar menimba ilmu lagi, tapi di sisi lain tidak ingin libur ini cepat selesai. Sebuah fenomena langka: saya belum bosan libur. Mungkin karena liburan ini masih terhitung sibuk untuk dianggap liburan. Kenapa?

My Semester break was started with...make up exam. Yep, I nearly didn't pass one of my class. The hardest one. The one and only Research Method and Statistic II (MPStat II). In the beginning of the break, I finished my remedial of final exam and 2nd quiz. Thank God I passed with C. So close.

At the end of last year, I was also chosen as the Project Officer (PO) for International Gathering Night 2013. It was actually a one-side decision, since they suddenly selected me without even ask me if I'm willing or not -_________- But somehow, I could not refuse it and I don't want to let my friends and the committee down. Of course it's an honor to be given such responsibility.

However, this was not how I imagine my holiday would be. Going on meetings. Keep in touch with people. Always stand by for BBM. Reminding people what to do. Follow up all the work. Worrying of HOW TO GET THE MONEY. Making decision. Et cetera.

It's hard to enjoy my time without worrying about those things.

Well, kadang hidup itu enggak selalu seperti yang kita inginkan. Minimal akan ada dua sisi yang berbeda. Keinginan. Perspective. Kebutuhan. Dan point-point lainnya.

Segalanya itu bisa terdiri dari hal-hal yang (menurut kita) complex seperti antara ingin benar-benar libur, tapi juga tidak mau mengecewakan orang lain, hal yang gak bisa dihindari seperti ntara ingin segera belajar lagi, tapi tidak ingin cepat masuk kuliah, atau hal sederhana seperti antara melanjutkan menulis post ini tapi isinya makin ngawur atau tidur saja.

Dan at one point, you gotta make your decision.

Selamat tidur :)

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